The basic answer is we are firstly Christians, secondly Evangelicals, thirdly Missional and fourthly we are Reformed. So what does that all mean?
This distinguishes us from other world religions and cults. Therefore, we agree with foundational orthodox Christinaity as founded upon both the Apostles and Nicene Creeds.
Therefore, we affirm the following points;
For further detail see the following page here.
We actively seek to share the gospel message in contextually understandable ways to those locally, nationally and internationally with a missionary outreach of compassion and urgency to the poorest of the poor and those who are yet to hear the gospel preached
We acknowledge God's absolute sovereignty over all His creation and His providentially ordained purposes in and for His creation for His glory and our joy, both now and in the future. Therefore, we believe;
Beyond the four points discussed above, we also hold the following points as the basis for the teachings and ministry at Redeemer Church;
To help clarify our core beliefs we believe it is helpful to declare also what we do not believe and hold to be biblical truth, so as to bring open upfront disclosure for those wishing to join us here at Redeemer.
If you would like to know more about Redeemer Church, or just to have a chat, please free to contact us!
Sean Fleming
Phone: 027 445 3845
Gareth Williams
Phone: 027 340 3554
Mailing Address
Redeemer Church
c/o Sean Fleming
146A South Road
New Plymouth 4310